Taxpayers: B.C. Gas Price Report pointless because it ignores taxes

Author: Kris Sims 2019/09/05
  • CTF delivers hundreds of mirrors to Premier John Horgan
  • B.C. drivers pay highest gas prices in North America

VICTORIA, B.C.: The Canadian Taxpayers Federation delivered hundreds of mirrors to Premier John Horgan the day before he releases a report detailing the province’s so-called investigation into high gas prices.

“It’s silly that the premier called this investigation into high gas prices in B.C. while refusing to consider the high taxes and the actions of the government – the premier should look in the mirror if he wants to find the reason for high B.C. gas prices,” said Kris Sims, B.C. Director of the Canadian Taxpayers Federation while wearing a costume similar to the Evil Queen from the Brothers Grimm fairy tale Snow White. “Mirror, mirror on the wall, who can make the gas price fall?”

Horgan first launched the investigation into the high cost of gasoline in B.C. while increasing the carbon tax and fighting the expansion of the Trans Mountain pipeline, which carries gasoline products. As a result, many in western Canada found the investigation amusing, including former Saskatchewan premier Brad Wall who advised Horgan to “purchase a mirror.”

Canadian Taxpayers Federation launched a campaign inviting supporters to send Horgan mirrors.The response was huge with supporters sending 504 mirrors for delivery to the B.C. legislature.

“It’s disingenuous of politicians to claim to care about the burden of high gasoline prices while they are jacking up the taxes on gasoline and picking fights with provinces that send us gasoline – they want gasoline to be unaffordable and they need to be held accountable,” said Sims. “This summertime investigation was a waste of time and money because it doesn’t take into account the role of government and tax rates, so, why did they bother doing this?”

To sign the petition to lower the taxes on gasoline click HERE.



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Franco Terrazzano
Federal Director at
Canadian Taxpayers

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